Loans are what we do best. Just about everyone finds the need for a short term cash solution from time to time and Dick’s Pawn Superstore is here to help. Get quick cash for anything you own. It is so simple to get the cash you need, keep ownership of the items you love, and avoid the hassle of trying to sell your valuable items. You simply need cash and we have the funds to lend. If you have assets you want to keep, the pawn loan process is right for you.
- You decide how much money you need and bring in assets that the resell value of your items can cover the amount of the loan.
- We will give you cash or deposit the funds directly into your personal checking account.
- Pay the loan off within 90 days, pay only the interest due to extend the loan, or use your pawned items as collateral to settle your loan.
- It is quick and easy.
Our goal at Dick’s Pawn Superstore is to provide a great customer service experience and be your personal lending solution for short term cash when you need it. We guarantee the lowest monthly interest rates and flexible terms for secured short term loans. Pawn loans are truly for everyone with the advantages of no credit checks, no credit reporting, having the option to use your collateral to pay off the loan, and cash in hand right away.
What type of items can I use to get a loan for Dick’s Pawn Superstore? We accept most items of value that are that are placed into two categories – Pawn Loans and Title Loans. Pawn loans are available on Luxury Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Precious Metals, Electronics, Tools, Sporting Goods, and Firearms.
Title loans are available on vehicles that are registered in South Carolina. You can use the equity in your vehicle to secure a short term loan or even lower your existing payment! We guarantee the most money and the lowest rate from Dick’s Pawn Superstore. Contact us today for fast, easy cash.
Dick’s Pawn Superstore is the “Ultimate Pawn Experience” offering the best of two worlds. With over 100,000 square feet of retail merchandise it is a shoppers dream and your source for loans when you need them. With our lowest rate guarantee, we make it easy for you. Come visit Dick’s Pawn Superstore today and make it your Myrtle Beach, SC destination.